Combe House Hotel
Combe House Hotel
Combe House Hotel
“We were shown into a new suite the owners have just converted from the old laundry. The result was impressive. There was nothing old or knackered here. A commodious sitting room was followed by a great bedroom and, adjoining it, a bathroom whose main feature was an enormous copper bath big enough for a threesome if you were so inclined.”
Francis Fulford
'A Toff's Guide to Country House Hotels' published in The Observer

Combe House is a Grade 1 Listed country house - used as a hotel, but retaining the character of a family home, complete with original furniture and portraits.
Combe House is a Grade 1 Listed country house - used as a hotel, but retaining the character of a family home, complete with original furniture and portraits.
Combe House is a Grade 1 Listed country house - used as a hotel, but retaining the character of a family home, complete with original furniture and portraits.
Following the drawing up of a long term masterplan for the main building and grounds, Kilburn Nightingale are converting the outbuildings (stables, potting sheds, orangery etc.) for hotel use. The intention is to preserve the functional character of these spaces and provide a different, but equally comfortable, experience for guests.
Following the drawing up of a long term masterplan for the main building and grounds, Kilburn Nightingale are converting the outbuildings (stables, potting sheds, orangery etc.) for hotel use. The intention is to preserve the functional character of these spaces and provide a different, but equally comfortable, experience for guests.

To this end the Linen Suite has been converted from the old laundry, drying and ironing rooms of the original house. In the sitting space the ceiling-hung drying rack is preserved along with its block-and-tackle mechanism. The bathroom is panelled in simple painted boarding and the specially made 1.8m diameter copper bath is reminiscent of a traditional laundry ‘copper’.
To this end the Linen Suite has been converted from the old laundry, drying and ironing rooms of the original house. In the sitting space the ceiling-hung drying rack is preserved along with its block-and-tackle mechanism. The bathroom is panelled in simple painted boarding and the specially made 1.8m diameter copper bath is reminiscent of a traditional laundry ‘copper’.

Kilburn Nightingale Architects
26 Harrison Street
London WC1H 8JW
+44 (0) 20 7812 1102
Kilburn Nightingale Architects
26 Harrison Street
London WC1H 8JW
+44 (0) 20 7812 1102
Kilburn Nightingale Architects
26 Harrison Street
London WC1H 8JW
+44 (0) 20 7812 1102
Kilburn Nightingale Architects
26 Harrison Street
London WC1H 8JW
+44 (0) 20 7812 1102
© Kilburn Nightingale Architects 2025 | Company Number: 05855934 Registered in England and Wales | An RIBA Chartered Practice | We respect your privacy
© Kilburn Nightingale Architects 2025 | Company Number: 05855934 Registered in England and Wales | An RIBA Chartered Practice | We respect your privacy
© Kilburn Nightingale Architects 2025 | Company Number: 05855934 Registered in England and Wales | An RIBA Chartered Practice | We respect your privacy
© Kilburn Nightingale Architects 2025 | Company Number: 05855934 Registered in England and Wales | An RIBA Chartered Practice | We respect your privacy