Guesthouse on Bequia
Guesthouse on Bequia
Guesthouse on Bequia
St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Caribbean
“Paradise Found - A beautiful, contextual beach house in a Caribbean palm grove.”
“Paradise Found - A beautiful, contextual beach house in a Caribbean palm grove.”
Barrie Evans
‘Expanding Eden’, cover story in The Architects’ Journal

The new guesthouse on the Island of Bequia in the Caribbean nestles in a coconut palm grove on the beach, benefiting from sea-breezes and making the most of views across to Mustique.
The new guesthouse on the Island of Bequia in the Caribbean nestles in a coconut palm grove on the beach, benefiting from sea-breezes and making the most of views across to Mustique.
The new guesthouse on the Island of Bequia in the Caribbean nestles in a coconut palm grove on the beach, benefiting from sea-breezes and making the most of views across to Mustique.
The design of the building is intimately connected to its setting amongst the palm trees in the variety and arrangement of spaces, the rhythms of the balustrades, and in the imprints of palm fronds cast into the concrete ceilings.
The design of the building is intimately connected to its setting amongst the palm trees in the variety and arrangement of spaces, the rhythms of the balustrades, and in the imprints of palm fronds cast into the concrete ceilings.
The design of the building is intimately connected to its setting amongst the palm trees in the variety and arrangement of spaces, the rhythms of the balustrades, and in the imprints of palm fronds cast into the concrete ceilings.

The building uses the best of local materials and skills in a way that is unfamiliar but closely tuned to the setting and climate. The house suits a wide variety of uses: it can be thrown wide open, rooms opening at their corner by means of sliding slatted timber walls, or be shuttered up tightly against a storm and the drawbridge raised. Kilburn Nightingale designed much of the furniture which was locally made.
The building uses the best of local materials and skills in a way that is unfamiliar but closely tuned to the setting and climate. The house suits a wide variety of uses: it can be thrown wide open, rooms opening at their corner by means of sliding slatted timber walls, or be shuttered up tightly against a storm and the drawbridge raised. Kilburn Nightingale designed much of the furniture which was locally made.
The building uses the best of local materials and skills in a way that is unfamiliar but closely tuned to the setting and climate. The house suits a wide variety of uses: it can be thrown wide open, rooms opening at their corner by means of sliding slatted timber walls, or be shuttered up tightly against a storm and the drawbridge raised. Kilburn Nightingale designed much of the furniture which was locally made.
“The property makes subtle reference to its Caribbean location in many ways, from hints of the bright colours that are apparent everywhere, to casts of palm fronds in the concrete ceilings. Essentially, though, Kilburn Nightingale’s house bows to the beauty of its environment, and for that reason it is truly successful.”
“The property makes subtle reference to its Caribbean location in many ways, from hints of the bright colours that are apparent everywhere, to casts of palm fronds in the concrete ceilings. Essentially, though, Kilburn Nightingale’s house bows to the beauty of its environment, and for that reason it is truly successful.”
Will Jones
‘New Eden House’ in The New Modern House
Kilburn Nightingale Architects
26 Harrison Street
London WC1H 8JW
+44 (0) 20 7812 1102
Kilburn Nightingale Architects
26 Harrison Street
London WC1H 8JW
+44 (0) 20 7812 1102
Kilburn Nightingale Architects
26 Harrison Street
London WC1H 8JW
+44 (0) 20 7812 1102
Kilburn Nightingale Architects
26 Harrison Street
London WC1H 8JW
+44 (0) 20 7812 1102
© Kilburn Nightingale Architects 2025 | Company Number: 05855934 Registered in England and Wales | An RIBA Chartered Practice | We respect your privacy
© Kilburn Nightingale Architects 2025 | Company Number: 05855934 Registered in England and Wales | An RIBA Chartered Practice | We respect your privacy
© Kilburn Nightingale Architects 2025 | Company Number: 05855934 Registered in England and Wales | An RIBA Chartered Practice | We respect your privacy
© Kilburn Nightingale Architects 2025 | Company Number: 05855934 Registered in England and Wales | An RIBA Chartered Practice | We respect your privacy